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Thursday, 28 August 2014

What are you thinking is what you’ll attract

How many times have you heard this? Do you believe it to be true?

Or to put it another way:

"The mind is everything. What you think you become." - Buddha: was a sage on whose teachings Buddhism was founded

How many times have you got out of bed in the morning and stubbed your toe for example and said to yourself “Oh brilliant, that’s how my day is gonna be is it?” and you dwelled on it, only for things throughout the day to seemingly go awry.

I know this sounds unbelievable, you attracted it!! 

How about someone in your dim and distant past telling you that you would never amount to anything on a reasonably regular basis, how did that pan out?

When I first starting working my way up the career ladder, I had some of my colleagues (who I considered friends) telling me that I’d not talk to them now I was on the way up, this confused me as I was the same person, I just wasn’t satisfied doing the dull job with minimal cranial stimulation and low wages. I knew there was a more stretching role for me and I went for it every time opportunity knocked.

It came true though, not through my actions but through theirs. Whenever I saw them I’d make conversation and be met by many with sneers about how I’d be lowering myself to talk to them, how ridiculous was that?

It took me many years to work out that it was their issue not mine.  Their beliefs became their own self fulfilling promise. Many, in fact nearly all, of them 25 years later were still doing the same jobs.  That is when I worked it out.

What you think you become, when you set yourself low aspirations it’s easy to achieve them much easier than reaching much bigger goals.

What motivates you?

I know this is a typical coaches question, do you know the answer though?

I get a lot of people tell me that they're not motivated by money.  And I’m in no doubt that this may be true for a great many people.  I am going to say right now that I am motivated by money, from the perspective that if I don’t earn some, who is going to pay my bills?  Who is going to pay my rent?  Who is going to pay for the stuff my son needs?

"It's not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for." - Robert Kiyosaki: author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad

You see, and I remember Pete the scrap metal merchant in Quadrophenia saying to the young mod Jim when he showed up at the scrap yard rather than working – “if you don’t work, you don’t get any money, and I like money” probably the most honest thing on celluloid.

I sense a challenge for you, next time you don’t consider yourself motivated by money, when Monday morning comes around, try staying at home, in fact do it for a week, when you don’t get paid for that week, how motivated will you be to go to work the following Monday?  Is for the work you do or is it the reward you get following the work you’ve done?

Now how about if you could do the work once, and get paid over and over for it?  Wouldn’t that be more like it?  Do the work once, and then spend time with your loved ones, go on holiday and when you return there is more in your bank account than when you left, does that appeal?
Well that’s exactly what many people are discovering is possible, if you’d like to join them, chuck your email address and name in the form over to the right and you’ll be sent details of how this can be possible for people like you and me.

Still not motivated by money? Winking smile

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

What goes on inside the mind?

I was prompted to write this hearing the tragic news concerning the apparent suicide of actor and comedian Robin Williams.

On TV and at the movies, you and I saw a happy, successful actor and comedian, but what was his self talk?

It would appear from the various media reports that he had been battling some personal demons.  We never know what is going on inside someone's head.

You see, each and every one of us has an internal voice.  We all have self talk.

Our self talk can be the best thing since the proverbial sliced bread, it can aid us in times of self doubt, your internal voice is the one that says "go on do it, what harm can come of it!".

However there is the opposite, there is the voice of doom, the one that sabotages your confidence, saps you of your 'mojo', keeps you from achieving greatness, greatness in your terms no one else's.

You see, when you lack confidence and the internal voice that gives you self talk fails to big you up, your own expectations drop and therefore when you don't achieve the things you want to, you confirm to yourself the self talk.  Its a self fulfilling prophecy, and so is the alternative.

The alternative confident voice brings on self fulfilling thoughts, which leads to self fulfilling behaviours which can exceed your own expectations.

Sign up to the right of this post and in the series of gifts, you'll receive an ebook containing tips in overcoming self defeating behaviours.

That just leaves me to sign off, nanoo nanoo!!

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

What scares you? Do you have faith?

What scares you from taking that first step towards your goals?

Is fear of success or fear of failure?  Who are you doubting, yourself or those around you, the naysayers?

Do you have faith to keep taking the steps you need to to get where you want to be?

I recently read the following quote and it got me thinking:

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
- Martin Luther King Jr

I've always tried to live for the moment, and in the moment, and it has cost me dear and I've not reached the goals I set myself.  That also got me thinking; who is going to take care of me when I'm old and grey if I don't continue to do what I need to do to secure my future? 

You? My friends who will also be old and grey?

You see, I'm at that time of life when my son soon won't be "needing" me so much, he's planning to go off to university, he's learning to drive and has purchased his first car.  It'll be me and my lovely partner who'll be here.

So I've resolved to review and reset my goals and go for them, no one else will but me, and I'm doing it on faith, I don't know what's round the corner, I don't know whether I'll get there, but I know that if I don't simply take that step I'll never know and that is my biggest fear, not finding out whether I can.

I'm very fortunate to have some very wise people around me, I have a wise future father-in-law who has an equestrian background, and his favourite saying regarding people in the equestrian world is that "some people know a lot about horses and horse behaviour, but they don't know what they don't know." how true is that about me and you? I don't know what I don't know, but I'm willing to find out what I don't know so I can reach my goals.

I'm doing it on faith that the staircase referred to above will show itself one step at a time as long as I keep taking steps, will you?